Penn vet working dog center

Trick Training Seminar

What a fabulous time we had at the Penn Vet Working Dog Center.   Look for future classes at Dr. Cindy Otto is a great instructor. She has a solution for every problem or situation in which a dog may be hesitant to do comply with your verbal commands. She does a great job getting your dog to create the muscle memory before adding a command. Her knowledge, experience, and down to earth personality make her the ideal instructor for almost anyone. Novice to Experienced instructors can learn from her. This was my first time working with Dr. Otto and I strongly suggest any and all dog trainers to at least attend one of her seminars.  She addresses dogs training from an angle most owners never think about. 

Bandit learning to do the Chipmunk. This strengthens the core of a dog.  

Bandit learning to do the Chipmunk. This strengthens the core of a dog.  

Bandit learning the sit to stand. The blocks are used to keep his front paws in place and work the back legs to push up.  

Bandit learning the sit to stand. The blocks are used to keep his front paws in place and work the back legs to push up.  

Working on Bandits stability and strengthening his front legs.  

Working on Bandits stability and strengthening his front legs.  

What looks stupid to us can be a good test and challenge for our dogs. I learned something as simple as a box makes a dog use his back back legs. Most dogs don't realize or have their back leg awareness. They can't just walk into the box, they have …

What looks stupid to us can be a good test and challenge for our dogs. I learned something as simple as a box makes a dog use his back back legs. Most dogs don't realize or have their back leg awareness. They can't just walk into the box, they have to consciously lift their back legs one at a time into the box.